Rally Day

What Is Rally Day?
During the summertime vacations, events, and activities draw congregation members away from church life especially prevalent on Sunday mornings. Many churches at this time see attendance drop by nearly 50% and combine their services times to mask this effect. As an individual, you start the summer with good intentions of sticking to your bible readings, attending more church functions but as kids go off to summer camp and vacations plans are made you find it hard to stick to your spiritual goals. We all know that it is hard to recharge your spiritual battery alone, but it’s easier to do it in a group!
Just as a general would “rally” their troops right before a battle so do we as Christians set aside a special day at the end of summer to “rally” members for the new church year. During this Rally Day its goal is to seek the Holy Spirit to renew our energy for service, worship, to pray, to study, and to witness the good news! Parishes across the nation celebrate this day in their own unique way but common characteristics include music, games, food, outside speakers, and ministries recruiting for the new year. Whether you stuck to your goals and wish to celebrate in the name of the lord, be spiritually energized, or join a new ministry this year we encourage you to attend your local Rally Day!