
“An Outline of The Faith”-BCP 855 the catechism was primarily intended for use by parish priests, deacons, and lay catechists, to give an outline for instruction. Though not intended to be a complete statement of belief or practice the Catechism provides us with a brief summary of the Church’s teaching. Found between paged 845-862 in the 1979 English book of common prayer the Catechism provides a great starting resource for inquirers or veterans in our faith to learn what we believe.
How can it be used?
The catechism is written in simple question and answer format to allow for easy referencing. Additionally, it can be used to form a simple service by taking a heading appropriate for the service and introducing payers and hymns as necessary.
You can find the catechism near the back of all book of common prayers, for example, starting on page 845 for the current 1979 BCP. You can also find the full catechism in our MyEpiscopal mobile app on iOS and Android, on mobile an additional feature includes our C.O.W. or catechism of the week where we provide one piece of the catechism a week like a verse of the day to help learn it by memory.