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Daily Office Lectionary – Easter

 Easter Week
Easter Day148, 149, 150      v      113, 114 or 118
 Exod. 12:1-14**      ———-      John 1:1-18**
 Isa. 51:9-11***      Luke 24:13-35, or John 20:19-23***       
Monday93, 98      v      66
 Jonah 2:1-9      Acts 2:14, 22-32*      John 14:1-14
Tuesday103      v      111, 114
 Isa. 30:18-21      Acts 2:36-41(42-47)*      John 14:15-31
Wednesday97, 99      v      115
 Micah 7:7-15      Acts 3:1-10*      John 15:1-11
Thursday146, 147      v      148, 149
 Ezek. 37:1-14      Acts 3:11-26*      John 15:12-27
Friday136      v      118
 Dan. 12:1-4, 13      Acts 4:1-12*      John 16:1-15
Saturday145      v      104
 Isa. 25:1-9      Acts 4:13-21(22-31)*      John 16:16-33
 Week of 2 Easter
Sunday146, 147      v      111, 112, 113
 Isa. 43:8-13      1 Pet. 2:2-10      John 14:1-7
Monday1, 2, 3      v      4, 7
 Dan. 1:1-21      1 John 1:1-10      John 17:1-11
Tuesday5, 6      v      10, 11
 Dan. 2:1-16      1 John 2:1-11      John 17:12-19
Wednesday119:1-24      v      12, 13, 14
 Dan. 2:17-30      1 John 2:12-17      John 17:20-26
Thursday18:1-20      v      18:21-50
 Dan. 2:31-49      1 John 2:18-29      Luke 3:1-14
Friday16, 17      v      134, 135
 Dan. 3:1-18      1 John 3:1-10      Luke 3:15-22
Saturday20, 21:1-7(8-14)      v      110:1-5(6-7), 116, 117
 Dan. 3:19-30      1 John 3:11-18      Luke 4:1-13
  **Intended for use in the morning*Duplicates the First Lesson at the Eucharist
***Intended for use in the evening  Readings from Year Two may be substituted

958    Daily Office Year One

 Easter Week
Easter Day148, 149, 150      v      113, 114, or 118
 Exod. 12:1-14**      ———-      John 1:1-18**
 Isa. 51:9-11***      Luke 24:13-35, or John 20:19-23***       
Monday93, 98      v      66
 Exod. 12:14-27      1 Cor. 15:1-11      Mark 16:1-8
Tuesday103      v      111, 114
 Exod. 12:28-39      1 Cor. 15:12-28      Mark 16:9-20
Wednesday97, 99      v      115
 Exod. 12:40-51      1 Cor. 15:(29)30-41      Matt. 28:1-16
Thursday146, 147      v      148, 149
 Exod. 13:3-10      1 Cor. 15:41-50      Matt. 28:16-20
Friday136      v      118
 Exod. 13:1-2, 11-16      1 Cor. 15:51-58      Luke 24:1-12
Saturday145      v      104
 Exod 13:17–14:4      2 Cor. 4:16–5:10      Mark 12:18-27
 Week of 2 Easter
Sunday146, 147      v      111, 112, 113
 Exod. 14:5-22      1 John 1:1-7      John 14:1-7
Monday1, 2, 3      v      4, 7
 Exod. 14:21-31      1 Pet. 1:1-12      John 14:(1-7)8-17
Tuesday5, 6      v      10, 11
 Exod. 15:1-21      1 Pet. 1:13-25      John 14:18-31
Wednesday119:1-24      v      12, 13, 14
 Exod. 15:22–16:10      1 Pet. 2:1-10      John 15:1-11
Thursday18:1-20      v      18:21-50
 Exod. 16:10-21      1 Pet. 2:11-25      John 15:12-27
Friday16, 17      v      134, 135
 Exod. 16:22-36      1 Pet. 3:13–4:6      John 16:1-15
Saturday20, 21:1-7(8-13)      v      110:1-5(6-7), 116, 117
 Exod. 17:1-16      1 Pet. 4:7-19      John 16:16-33
**Intended for use in the morning***Intended for use in the evening

Daily Office Year Two    959

 Week of 3 Easter
Sunday148, 149, 150      v      114, 115
 Dan. 4:1-18      1 Pet. 4:7-11      John 21:15-25
Monday25      v      9, 15
 Dan. 4:19-27      1 John 3:19–4:6      Luke 4:14-30
Tuesday26, 28      v      36, 39
 Dan. 4:28-37      1 John 4:7-21      Luke 4:31-37
Wednesday38      v      119:25-48
 Dan. 5:1-12      1 John 5:1-12      Luke 4:38-44
Thursday37:1-18      v      37:19-42
 Dan. 5:13-30      1 John 5:13-20(21)      Luke 5:1-11
Friday105:1-22      v      105:23-45
 Dan. 6:1-15      2 John 1-13      Luke 5:12-26
Saturday30, 32      v      42, 43
 Dan. 6:16-28      3 John 1-15      Luke 5:27-39
 Week of 4 Easter
Sunday63:1-8(9-11), 98      v      103
 Wisdom 1:1-15      1 Pet. 5:1-11      Matt. 7:15-29
Monday41, 52      v      44
 Wisdom 1:16–2:11, 21-24      Col. 1:1-14      Luke 6:1-11
Tuesday45      v      47,48
 Wisdom 3:1-9      Col. 1:15-23      Luke 6:12-26
Wednesday119:49-72      v      49, [53]
 Wisdom 4:16–5:8      Col. 1:24–2:7      Luke 6:27-38
Thursday50      v      [59, 60] or 114, 115
 Wisdom 5:9-23      Col. 2:8-23      Luke 6:39-49
Friday40, 54      v      51
 Wisdom 6:12-23      Col. 3:1-11      Luke 7:1-17
Saturday55      v      138, 139:1-17(18-23)
 Wisdom 7:1-14      Col. 3:12-17      Luke 7:18-28(29-30)31-35

960    Daily Office Year One

 Week of 3 Easter
Sunday148, 148, 150      v      114, 115
 Exod. 18:1-12      1 John 2:7-17      Mark 16:9-20
Monday25      v      9, 15
 Exod. 18:13-27      1 Pet. 5:1-14      Matt. (1:1-17); 3:1-6
Tuesday26, 28      v      36, 39
 Exod. 19:1-16      Col. 1:1-14      Matt. 3:7-12
Wednesday38      v      119:25-48
 Exod. 19:16-25      Col. 1:15-23      Matt. 3:13-17
Thursday37:1-18      v      37:19-42
 Exod. 20:1-21      Col. 1:24–2:7      Matt. 4:1-11
Friday105:1-22      v      105:23-45
 Exod. 24:1-18      Col. 2:8-23      Matt. 4:12-17
Saturday30, 32      v      42, 43
 Exod. 25:1-22      Col. 3:1-17      Matt. 4:18-25
 Week of 4 Easter
Sunday63:1-8(9-11), 98      v      103
 Exod. 25:1-4, 30-38      1 John 2:18-29      Mark 6:30-44
Monday41, 52      v      44
 Exod. 32:1-20      Col. 3:18–4:6(7-18)      Matt. 5:1-10
Tuesday45      v      47, 48
 Exod. 32:21-34      1 Thess. 1:1-10      Matt. 5:11-16
Wednesday119:49-72      v      49, [53]
 Exod. 33:1-23      1 Thess. 2:1-12      Matt. 5:17-20
Thursday50      v      [59, 60] or 114, 115
 Exod. 34:1-17      1 Thess. 2:13-20      Matt. 5:21-26
Friday40, 54      v      51
 Exod. 34:18-35      1 Thess. 3:1-13      Matt. 5:27-37
Saturday55      v      138, 139:1-17(18-23)
 Exod. 40:18-38      1 Thess. 4:1-12      Matt. 5:38-48

Daily Office Year Two    961

 Week of 5 Easter
Sunday24, 29      v      8, 84
 Wisdom 7:22–8:1      2 Thess. 2:13-17      Matt. 7:7-14
Monday56, 57, [58]      v      64, 65
 Wisdom 9:1, 7-18      Col. (3:18–4:1)2-18      Luke 7:36-50
Tuesday61, 62      v      68:1-20(21-23)24-36
 Wisdom 10:1-4(5-12)13-21      Rom. 12:1-21      Luke 8:1-15
Wednesday72      v      119:73-96
 Wisdom 13:1-9      Rom. 13:1-14      Luke 8:16-25
Thursday[70], 71      v      74
 Wisdom 14:27–15:3      Rom. 14:1-12      Luke 8:26-39
Friday106:1-18      v      106:19-48
 Wisdom 16:15–17:1      Rom. 14:13-23      Luke 8:40-56
Saturday75, 76      v      23, 27
 Wisdom 19:1-8, 18-22      Rom. 15:1-13      Luke 9:1-17
 Week of 6 Easter
Sunday93, 96      v      34
 Ecclus. 43:1-12, 27-32      1 Tim. 3:14–4:5      Matt. 13:24-34a
Monday80      v      77, [79]
 Deut. 8:1-10      James 1:1-15      Luke 9:18-27
Tuesday78:1-39      v      78:40-72
 Deut. 8:11-20      James 1:16-27      Luke 11:1-13
Wednesday119:97-120      v      ———
 Baruch 3:24-37      James 5:13-18      Luke 12:22-31
Eve of Ascension———      v      68:1-20
 2 Kings 2:1-15      Rev. 5:1-14       
Ascension Day8, 47      v      24, 96
 Ezek. 1:14, 24-28b      Heb. 2:5-18      Matt. 28:16-20
Friday85, 86      v      91, 92
 Ezek. 1:28–3:3      Heb. 4:14–5:6      Luke 9:28-36
Saturday87, 90      v      136
 Ezek. 3:4-17      Heb. 5:7-14      Luke 9:37-50

962    Daily Office Year One

 Week of 5 Easter
Sunday24, 29      v      8, 84
 Lev. 8:1-13, 30-36      Heb. 12:1-14      Luke 4:16-30
Monday56, 57, [58]      v      64, 65
 Lev. 16:1-19      1 Thess. 4:13-18      Matt. 6:1-6, 16-18
Tuesday61, 62      v      68:1-20(21-23)24-36
 Lev. 16:20-34      1 Thess. 5:1-11      Matt. 6:7-15
Wednesday72      v      119:73-96
 Lev. 19:1-18      1 Thess. 5:12-28      Matt. 6:19-24
Thursday[70], 71      v      74
`Lev. 19:26-37      2 Thess. 1:1-12      Matt. 6:25-34
Friday106:1-18      v      106:19-48
 Lev. 23:1-22      2 Thess. 2:1-17      Matt. 7:1-12
Saturday75, 76      v      23, 27
 Lev. 23:23-44      2 Thess. 3:1-18      Matt. 7:13-21
 Week of 6 Easter
Sunday93, 96      v      34
 Lev. 25:1-17      James 1:2-8, 16-18      Luke 12:13-21
Monday80      v      77, [79]
 Lev. 25:35-55      Col. 1:9-14      Matt. 13:1-16
Tuesday78:1-39      v      78:40-72
 Lev. 26:1-20      1 Tim. 2:1-6      Matt. 13:18-23
Wednesday119:97-120      v      ———
 Lev. 26:27-42      Eph. 1:1-10      Matt. 22:41-46
Eve of Ascension———      v      68:1-20
 2 Kings 2:1-15      Rev. 5:1-14       
Ascension Day8, 47      v      24, 96
 Dan. 7:9-14      Heb. 2:5-18      Matt. 28:16-20
Friday85, 86      v      91, 92
 1 Sam. 2:1-10      Eph. 2:1-10      Matt. 7:22-27
Saturday87, 90      v      136
 Num. 11:16-17, 24-29      Eph. 2:11-22      Matt. 7:28–8:4

Daily Office Year Two    963

 Week of 7 Easter
Sunday66, 67      v      19, 46
 Ezek. 3:16-27      Eph. 2:1-10      Matt. 10:24-33, 40-42
Monday89:1-18      v      89:19-52
 Ezek. 4:1-17      Heb. 6:1-12      Luke 9:51-62
Tuesday97, 99, [100]      v      94, [95]
 Ezek. 7:10-15, 23b-27      Heb. 6:13-20      Luke 10:1-17
Wednesday101, 109:1-4(5-19)20-30      v      119:121-144
 Ezek. 11:14-25      Heb. 7:1-17      Luke 10:17-24
Thursday105:1-22      v      105:23-45
 Ezek. 18:1-4, 19-32      Heb. 7:18-28      Luke 10:25-37
Friday102      v      107:1-32
 Ezek. 34:17-31      Heb. 8:1-13      Luke 10:38-42
Saturday107:33-43, 108:1-6(7-13)      v      ———
 Ezek. 43:1-12      Heb. 9:1-14      Luke 11:14-23
Eve of Pentecost———      v      33
 Exod. 19:3-8a, 16-20      1 Pet. 2:4-10       
The Day of Pentecost118      v      145
 Isa. 11:1-9      1 Cor. 2:1-13      John 14:21-29
 On the weekdays which follow, the Readings are taken from
 the numbered Proper (one through six) which corresponds
 most closely to the date of Pentecost.
Eve of Trinity Sunday———      v      104
 Ecclus. 42:15-25      Eph. 3:14-21       
Trinity Sunday146, 147      v      111, 112, 113
 Ecclus. 43:1-12(27-33)      Eph. 4:1-16      John 1:1-18
 On the weekdays which follow, the Readings are taken from
 the numbered Proper (one through six) which corresponds
 most closely to the date of Trinity Sunday.

964    Daily Office Year One

 Week of 7 Easter
Sunday66, 67      v      19, 46
 Exod. 3:1-12      Heb. 12:18-29      Luke 10:17-24
Monday89:1-18      v      89:19-52
 Joshua 1:1-9      Eph. 3:1-13      Matt. 8:5-17
Tuesday97, 99, [100]      v      94, [95]
 1 Sam. 16:1-13a      Eph. 3:14-21      Matt. 8:18-27
Wednesday101, 109:1-4(5-19)20-30      v      119:121-144
 Isa. 4:2-6      Eph. 4:1-16      Matt. 8:28-34
Thursday105:1-22      v      105:23-45
 Zech. 4:1-14      Eph. 4:17-32      Matt. 9:1-8
Friday102      v      107:1-32
 Jer. 31:27-34      Eph. 5:1-20      Matt. 9:9-17
Saturday107:33-43, 108:1-6(7-13)      v      ———
 Ezek. 36:22-27      Eph. 6:10-24      Matt. 9:18-26
Eve of Pentecost———      v      33
 Exod. 19:3-8a, 16-20      1 Pet. 2:4-10       
The Day of Pentecost118      v      145
 Deut. 16:9-12      Acts 4:18-21, 23-33      John 4:19-26
 On the weekdays which follow, the Readings are taken from
 the numbered Proper (one through six) which corresponds
 most closely to the date of Pentecost.
Eve of Trinity Sunday———      v      104
 Ecclus. 45:15-25      Eph. 3:14-21       
Trinity Sunday146, 147      v      111, 112, 113
 Job 38:1-11, 42:1-5      Rev. 19:4-16      John 1:29-34
 On the weekdays which follow, the Readings are taken from
 the numbered Proper (one through six) which corresponds
 most closely to the date of Trinity Sunday.

Daily Office Year Two    965